Alert – Employee Superannuation Guarantee Obligations for businesses.
The Australian Taxation Office are currently contacting businesses that have not paid or have been late in paying their employee superannuation guarantee obligations.
Please ensure that all employee superannuation guarantee obligations are paid by the due date. If you have missed a superannuation payment, or you are late in paying, you are must complete and lodge with the ATO, a Superannuation Guarantee Charge Statement immediately.
Lodgement dates are as follows:
September Quarter to be paid: 28 October
December Quarter to be paid: 28 January
March Quarter to be paid: 28 April
June Quarter to be paid: 30 June for an immediate tax deduction, otherwise 28 July
If you are late in paying your employee superannuation guarantee obligations, your business is not entitled to claim a tax deduction for that payment, and interest and penalties will apply.
Should you have any queries or believe that you have missed your superannuation guarantee lodgement dates, please call our office for assistance.